diumenge, 20 de setembre del 2015

Describing a picture

Aquí teniu algunes idees per descruire fotos

What is in the picture? - Què hi ha a la foto?
In the picture I can see ... (A la foto puc veure....)
There’s / There are ... (Hi ha...)
There isn’t a ... / There aren’t any ... (no hi ha)
Say what is happening with the present continuous
The man is ...ing     (l'home està...)
The people are ...ing (la gent està...)
It’s raining.  (està plovent)
Where in the picture?
At the top/bottom of the picture ...(a la part de dalt de la foto....)
In the middle of the picture ... (en el mig de la foto....)
On the left/right of the picture ... (a l'esquerra/ dreta de la foto....)
next to (a prop, al costat)
in front of (davant)
behind (darrere)
near (A prop)
on top of (a sobre de)
under (Sota)
If something isn’t clear
It looks like a ... (sembla)
It might be a ...(això ha de ser,...)
He could be ...ing  (ell pot estar...,...)
Maybe it’s a ...(pot ser això és,...)

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