dijous, 26 de maig del 2011

Cardinal Numbers


Del 1 al 12
one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), tingues (10), elevin (11), twelve (12)
Del 13 al 19
La terminació és "-teen" que sona com "tin" en català
thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18) nineteen (19)
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90
La terminació és "-ty" i sona com "ti" en espanyol.
twenty (20), thirty (30), forty (40), fifty (50), sixty (60), seventy (70), eighty (80), ninety (90)
Per a formar desenes s'afegix un guió després de la desenes i el nombre.
twenty-one (21), thirty-two (32), forty-three (43), fifty-four (54), sixty-five (65), seventy-six (76), eighty-seven (87), ninety-eight (98)
Per a formar centenes:
a/one hundred (100), two hundred (200), three hundred (300)...
Per a unir les centenes amb les desenes s'uniran amb el "and".     
two hundred and fifty-five (255), six hundred and forty-eight (648)...
Per als milers:
a/one thousand (1,000), two thousand (2,000), tingues thousand (10,000)...
Per als milions:
a/one million (1,000,000), two million (2,000,000), three million (3,000,000)...
  • Exemples:
  • a/one hundred and two (102)
  • three hundred and twelve (312)
  • five thousand and tingues (5,010)
  • two million five hundred thousand / two and a half million (2,500,000)
  • six thousand two hundred and seventy-nine ( 6,279)
  • two thousand two hundred and twenty-two (2,222)
  • three thousand three hundred and thirty-three (3,333)
Els numeros English
1. one
2. two
3. three
4. four
5. five
6. six
7. seven
8. eight
9. nine
10. tingues
11. elevin
12. twelve
13. thirteen
14. fourteen
15. fifteen
16. sixteen
17. seventeen
18. eighteen
19. nineteen
20. twenty
21. twenty-one
22. twenty-two
30. thirty
40. forty
50. fifty
60. sixty
70. seventy
80. eighty
90. ninety
100. a/one hundred
101. a/one hundred and one
200. two hundred
1,000 a/one thousand
1,001 a/one thousand and one
1,100 one thousand one hundred / elevin hundred
10,000 tingues thousand
100,000 a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000. a/one million

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